The Two Main Types of Repair Work Every Boat Owner Should Know About

Whether you use your boat for fishing, recreation or sports, there will come a time when the water vessel will require repair services. There are two main kinds of repair work that can be performed on the boat. There is preventative maintenance repair and then there is breakdown repair.  Since you may need to have both types of boat repair services done at one point or another over the lifespan of your boat, it's important to know what they are all about. Read More 

Get to Know Common Diesel Marine Engine Problems

If you own a marine vessel powered by a diesel engine, you should know what bad signs to look out for, especially concerning your engine, to ensure they are repaired or remedied as soon as possible to avoid extensive damage and expensive repair. You should also inspect and maintain your diesel engine regularly to avoid these problems and ensure your engine serves you for as long as possible. Black Smoke Read More 

4 Factors to Consider When Hiring A Boat Mechanic

All pieces of equipment require repairing and maintenance; boats are no exception. A boat mechanic will offer services such as repair and machinery installation, as well as routine boat maintenance. You can also hire boat mechanics to conduct restoration projects on antique souvenir boats in museums. A boat mechanic will also test and evaluate engine performance at various speeds. He or she will inspect, replace or adjust power-tilts and propellers, as well as bilge pumps. Read More